Friday, February 27, 2009

The Blues

We had the blues today. This dog, "Callie"'s owner asked for no fall and no skirt (?)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Here are three video clips for your consideration.
Poppy is a great dog but alas he is getting old. I've been grooming him for 3 or 4 years now. His last groom was 11 weeks ago. Ive made him look better but I only had so much time today and he showed up without an appointment. I insisted we prebook his next appointment in 5 weeks.

Bichon Poodle mix

Today was this dogs first real grooming. His hair was very long. He had a lite tidy up 3 months ago at a nearby Petsmart that the owner was very unhappy with. I used an O comb on the body and scissored the legs then did the head with thinners and went back over the legs with thinners. Owner asked me to not cut the ears at all.


Thursday, February 19, 2009


This is my Std. Poodle "Brenna", she's about 7 months old now. She's a good girl and in dire need of a cut. She's turning out to be an awesome dog and makes me laugh daily. My clients adore her.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I really don't like grooming Scotties. My experience with them has not been good as you can see. I rarely use muzzles. This Scottie is about to move far far away and I'm not sad.

This has to be the best Bandanna fabric I've ever found.

The Anal Area

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Turkey Neckin'

These necks look like something Lorena Bobitt threw out her car window.

I found these at our local Giant (think piGGly wiGGly) tonight. I've been looking for turkey necks for a while and had decided that no one around here sold them. I bought 5 packages.
There is a high end pet supply store near me that sells them (4 much much smaller necks frozen for $8). Do you feed necks to your dogs? How much and how often? The ones in the next video were gone in about 10 minutes, the only thing left was two lip smackin' happy Poodles.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Poodle Trim Trend?


This is a before and after video, it speaks for itself.

Thursday, February 12, 2009



This is Pepper and she is a great Cocker. I don't much care for doing Cockers but this one is the exception. Keeping her up on 4 feet is a chore without a kleenex box but other than that she is golden.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


O Comb all over. Very nice dog. Thinners on head and face.

"Einstein" Nickens~Contest!

What would you charge to do this groom????
Anonymous comments welcome. Einstein has very good table manners.
If you're the first to charge what I charged you will win a great prize!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Charlie, Stacy and Oscar

This is Charlie, a wonderful Maltese. The woman in the video is Stacy. She has worked for me for over a year, never been late and never called out once. I pray she never leaves me. She can shave a poodle foot like no one else and soon will be groomer. She is everything an employer wants and hopes for from an employee, funny, reliable, trustworthy and a very hardworker.
I should pay her more.

She's one of a kind and all mine! I do share her with her husband though.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Two comb over the back. I'd have liked to spend more time on this dog today but there just wasn't time.

A Face only a Mother can loVe?????

Friday, February 6, 2009

Toy Australian Shepherd "TeddY"

This is the only one of these I've ever seen. Ive groomed him for the last 4 years, a nice little dog he is.

A DandY LabradOOdLe

These are a couple of before pics. This girl had one grooming before that was mostly just a face feet and tail. She is 8 months old and a very good girl.

This is the after video. I did her with an "O" comb and used the comb back to front on top of her head.
She had a ton of knots on her legs.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sophie (a tiny Bichon)

This is "Riley" a 6 month old Havanese. He had his first grooming today. This is one of those rare clients that knows how to brush, he had not a matt on him. He screamed and threw a fit every time I came near him with the clippers. All in all I was pretty happy with the end product and so was the owner. I used an o comb lightly, scissored a great deal and used thinners on his head.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More Random Pics of Last Few Days....

The ultimate Head Hanger "Hershey".

"Sophie" the tiniest of Bichons.

Monday, February 2, 2009

"Can you groom my dog Today ?"

No can do, we're closed on Monday.
This is a video I made a few months ago for groomers on The Groomers Lounge.
Some of you may have seen it already so move along now.