Friday, January 30, 2009

My only Bedlington, "Ricky"

Ive been grooming Ricky for 7 years. He's an odd dog and never (refuses) to make eye contact with me.
He seems to pretend I'm not there, like I don't exist.
He gets a 7f all over w/a Beddie head and tail.
His mother is a great client, pre books every 6 weeks is never late and never cancels. She has a tough row to hoe. Her husband was in a car accident and is now a parapeligic.

Nuns with a Pitbull!

"Now, now Molly, purgatory is a hellish place and ya don't want to be going there so look at the camera for me now."

"Now, thats much better Molly and God will reward ya for yer cooperation he surely will."

This is Molly, a Pitbull mix. She belongs to Sister Karen and the other nuns that reside at Palloti Convent. As a young lad I was taught by the nuns of this order. The shelter told them she was a lab mix when they adopted her but her head is most definatly a Pit with possibly a tad of Lab DNA which I find hilarious.

The Convent is next door to the home of one of the richest women in Laurel. She owns a Bichon I groom. Molly was loose one day and tore into poor Leon the Bichon at the end of the leash he was being walked on much to her horror. He needed quite a few stiches and it screwed up his haircut for sometime.

Althought I am a bit of a non-believer (agnostic) I groom Molly on the last Tuesday of each month for free. I have nothing but respect and admiration for women like Sister Karen who have devoted their lives for a highter cause and she is very funny to boot.

When she came in on Tuesday for Molly's bath I asked her if I could take their picture for my web page. She said "of course Sean but perhaps it would be better if I had my nun get-up on". I said"oh Sister that'd be too much trouble." She was not dressed like this that day but her and Molly stoped by today to let me take this pic.

Thank You Sister!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A True Patron Saint to Dogs (Cockers mostly)

This is Mailyn Kessinger. I've been grooming dogs for her for about 6 years. These 3 belong to her but she brings me about a dog a week to groom. Many are quite difficult to groom due to being rescue dogs. She has a group called "Oldies But Goodies" and she and her cohorts have saved many a dog from certain death. I do some for free but not all of them. Someday I will.
She is a very kind, old soul. I adore her. I have never turned her away due to behavior and she only pays base price no matter what condition they are in. She has never not once complained in anyway or asked for a freebie or a price break nor has she ever rushed me. Did I say how much I adore her? Her day is comming soon for all freebies....soon.

My Commute

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My dogs in the snow

First Post

This is Julliette Ferrara and her mom. Great clients, they come every two weeks. Although Juliette is very fussy to groom we're always glad to see them.